* Bump Alpha 02 version to 0012.
* Added guidebook entries about fish tank and more lamps.
* Updated Alterlitium entry in guidebook.
* Configuration updates.
* Fixed some blocks in Composite Alterlite mod using the wrong namespace. [ZCM/CA]
* Update and fix some recipes.
* Changed crafting method of Alterlitium Lamp to use Pedestal Crafting.
* Changed some textures in Composite Alterlite mod. [ZCM/CA]
* Fixed liquid sol missing texture. [ZCM/CA]
* Disabled the wooden trapdoors from the MalisisDoors mod in favor of the ones from Quark.
* Bump version to
* Changed internal version number.
* Fixed wrong block properties for Alterlitium Block and it's Cluster/Ore.
* Changed the Alterlitium Cluster/Ore texture.
* Alterlitium Block now has a texture.
* Fixed 'scripts/03oredicts.zs' parsing outdated content.
* More adjustments to a lot of config files.
* Changed url references to use the new one that shall be migrated to soon.
* Fixes and changes to existing Patchouli entries.
* Change Glowstone pulse rate.