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"name": "Weather Devices",
"icon": "weather2:weather_deflector",
"category": "gamemechanics",
"pages": [
"type": "text",
"text": "In order to be well-informed of the weather occuring around you, you should take note of the things you can craft to help yourself prepare for a storm. $(p)A $(item)Wind Vane$() and $(item)Anemometer$() is strongly recommended as you'll be able to take note of the $(thing)strength$() of the wind and what $(thing)direction$() it blows in."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "w2_windvane_recipe",
"recipe2": "w2_anemometer_recipe"
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "w2_forecaster_recipe",
"text": "The next step in proper weather forecasting and storm preparation is to make a $(item)Weather Radar$(). $(p)Place this in the center of a 3x3 area for the optimal viewing angle."
"type": "text",
"text": "The $(item)Weather Radar$() is able to detect the surrounding weather of $(thing)up to 256 blocks$(). If you're worried about storms and want to know $(thing)when they arrive$() and $(thing)what direction they are coming from$(), then this block is essential for you. $(p)After placing it down, a screen will appear above it in a 3x3 space. The different weather situations such as $(thing)Rainfall$(), $(thing)Hail$(), $(thing)Storms$(), and $(low)Tornados$() will be marked on the radar with different icons."
"type": "text",
"text": "$(low)Tornados$() are nasty. You wouldn't want one remotely even near your home, unless you're one of those crazies we saw over a millenia ago. $(p)Like the $(item)Weather Radar$(), the $(item)Tornado Sensor$() can detect storms and weather of up to 256 blocks. Whenever something bad is detected within range, it can $(thing)output a redstone signal$(), to which you can hook up to things like an automatic roof hatch or something."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "w2_tornado_sensor_recipe",
"text": "When placed, the $(item)Tornado Sensor$() outputs a redstone signal whenever a tornado or deadly storm is detected. $(p)It is up to you to decide what to hook up that redstone signal to."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "w2_siren_recipe",
"recipe2": "w2_manualsiren_recipe"
"type": "text",
"text": "Like the tornado sensor, the $(item)Weather Siren$() can also detect whenever a tornado or deadly storm is near. However it won't output a redstone signal when it does, instead it $(thing)emits a siren sound$() notifiying everyone in the vicinity that a storm is approaching. $(p)Want one where you can use for other purposes? Just toss in a $(item)redstone dust$() in the center of the crafting recipe. This version will instead activate upon receiving a redstone signal."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "w2_weather_deflector_recipe",
"text": "So, you're fully prepared with everything that keeps you well informed about the weather but now you're wondering if there was something that can $(thing)protect you$() from it, right? Well look no further and craft yourself a $(item)Weather Deflector$()!"
"type": "text",
"text": "The $(item)Weather Deflector$() offers ultimate protection from deadly storms as well as tornados. By default it $(thing)kills off any bad weather$() that comes within the vicinity of the deflector. $(p)If this is a little too boring for you then you can $(thing)right click$() on it to switch to block protection only mode. In this mode, $(low)storms will still occur around your home$() but $(thing)they won't deal any damage to blocks$() that are protected by the deflector."