* Bump Alpha 02 version to 0012. * Added guidebook entries about fish tank and more lamps. * Updated Alterlitium entry in guidebook. * Configuration updates. * Fixed some blocks in Composite Alterlite mod using the wrong namespace. [ZCM/CA] * Update and fix some recipes. * Changed crafting method of Alterlitium Lamp to use Pedestal Crafting. * Changed some textures in Composite Alterlite mod. [ZCM/CA] * Fixed liquid sol missing texture. [ZCM/CA] * Disabled the wooden trapdoors from the MalisisDoors mod in favor of the ones from Quark.master
@ -1,84 +1,85 @@
"version": 2,
"version": 2,
"data": {
"data": {
"minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga_hills": "MEGA_SPRUCE_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees": "MOUNTAINS_SNOW_CAPS",
"minecraft:mutated_mesa": "BRYCE",
"minecraft:desert_hills": "DESERT_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga": "MEGA_SPRUCE",
"minecraft:mutated_swampland": "SWAMP_HILLS",
"traverse:crag_cliffs": "PLAINS",
"traverse:thicket": "DENSE_FOREST",
"minecraft:mutated_birch_forest": "TALL_BIRCH",
"minecraft:jungle_edge": "JUNGLE_EDGE",
"minecraft:jungle_edge": "JUNGLE_EDGE",
"minecraft:swampland": "SWAMP",
"minecraft:redwood_taiga": "MEGA_TAIGA",
"minecraft:extreme_hills": "MOUNTAINS",
"minecraft:jungle": "JUNGLE",
"minecraft:cold_beach": "SHORE",
"minecraft:mutated_plains": "SUNFLOWERS",
"minecraft:mutated_birch_forest_hills": "TALL_BIRCH_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_forest": "FOREST_FLOWERS",
"minecraft:beaches": "SHORE",
"minecraft:birch_forest": "BIRCH",
"traverse:glacier": "MOUNTAINS_NAKED",
"minecraft:taiga_hills": "PINES_HILLS",
"minecraft:taiga_hills": "PINES_HILLS",
"minecraft:redwood_taiga": "MEGA_TAIGA",
"minecraft:deep_ocean": "WATER",
"minecraft:sky": "SHORE",
"minecraft:ice_mountains": "SNOW_HILLS",
"minecraft:plains": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills": "MEGA_TAIGA_HILLS",
"minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills": "MEGA_TAIGA_HILLS",
"minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees": "MOUNTAINS_ALL",
"traverse:rocky_plains": "HILLS",
"minecraft:hell": "CAVE_WALLS",
"minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills": "MOUNTAINS_SNOW_CAPS",
"minecraft:mutated_savanna_rock": "PLATEAU_SAVANNA_M",
"minecraft:savanna": "SAVANNA",
"minecraft:mushroom_island_shore": "SHORE",
"minecraft:mushroom_island_shore": "SHORE",
"minecraft:ice_flats": "SNOW",
"traverse:canyon": "PLAINS",
"traverse:autumnal_woods": "FOREST",
"minecraft:savanna_rock": "PLATEAU_SAVANNA",
"minecraft:mutated_taiga": "PINES_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_taiga": "PINES_HILLS",
"traverse:forested_hills": "FOREST_HILLS",
"traverse:mini_jungle": "JUNGLE",
"minecraft:jungle_hills": "JUNGLE_HILLS",
"traverse:birch_forested_hills": "FOREST_HILLS",
"minecraft:forest": "FOREST",
"minecraft:forest": "FOREST",
"minecraft:mutated_mesa_clear_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA_LOW",
"traverse:birch_forested_hills": "FOREST_HILLS",
"minecraft:mesa_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA_TREES",
"minecraft:smaller_extreme_hills": "MOUNTAINS",
"minecraft:mutated_jungle": "JUNGLE_CLIFFS",
"minecraft:ocean": "WATER",
"traverse:badlands": "DESERT",
"minecraft:ice_flats": "SNOW",
"minecraft:frozen_river": "ICE",
"minecraft:mutated_swampland": "SWAMP_HILLS",
"traverse:woodlands": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:roofed_forest": "DENSE_FOREST",
"minecraft:roofed_forest": "DENSE_FOREST",
"traverse:green_swamp": "SWAMP",
"minecraft:mesa": "MESA",
"minecraft:mutated_roofed_forest": "DENSE_FOREST_HILLS",
"traverse:woodlands": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:swampland": "SWAMP",
"traverse:temperate_rainforest": "PINES",
"minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga": "MEGA_SPRUCE",
"minecraft:mesa_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA_TREES",
"minecraft:savanna_rock": "PLATEAU_SAVANNA",
"minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees": "MOUNTAINS_ALL",
"minecraft:hell": "CAVE_WALLS",
"minecraft:mutated_birch_forest": "TALL_BIRCH",
"minecraft:mutated_ice_flats": "ICE_SPIKES",
"traverse:crag_cliffs": "PLAINS",
"traverse:thicket": "DENSE_FOREST",
"minecraft:taiga": "PINES",
"minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold": "SNOW_PINES_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold": "SNOW_PINES_HILLS",
"minecraft:smaller_extreme_hills": "MOUNTAINS",
"minecraft:forest_hills": "FOREST_HILLS",
"minecraft:void": "END_VOID",
"minecraft:birch_forest_hills": "BIRCH_HILLS",
"minecraft:mesa_clear_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA",
"traverse:lush_hills": "HILLS",
"minecraft:desert": "DESERT",
"minecraft:taiga_cold": "SNOW_PINES",
"minecraft:taiga_cold": "SNOW_PINES",
"minecraft:mutated_savanna": "SAVANNA_CLIFFS",
"minecraft:river": "WATER",
"minecraft:river": "WATER",
"minecraft:ice_mountains": "SNOW_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga_hills": "MEGA_SPRUCE_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_ice_flats": "ICE_SPIKES",
"minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees": "MOUNTAINS_SNOW_CAPS",
"traverse:temperate_rainforest": "PINES",
"traverse:rocky_plains": "HILLS",
"aroma1997sdimension:miningbiome": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:frozen_ocean": "ICE",
"minecraft:plains": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:mutated_jungle_edge": "JUNGLE_EDGE_HILLS",
"minecraft:stone_beach": "ROCK_SHORE",
"minecraft:stone_beach": "ROCK_SHORE",
"minecraft:taiga": "PINES",
"minecraft:taiga_cold_hills": "SNOW_PINES_HILLS",
"traverse:cliffs": "MOUNTAINS_NAKED",
"traverse:cliffs": "MOUNTAINS_NAKED",
"minecraft:deep_ocean": "WATER",
"minecraft:mutated_mesa_clear_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA_LOW",
"traverse:meadow": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:forest_hills": "FOREST_HILLS",
"minecraft:mesa": "MESA",
"traverse:forested_hills": "FOREST_HILLS",
"traverse:rocky_plateau": "MOUNTAINS_NAKED",
"minecraft:extreme_hills": "MOUNTAINS",
"minecraft:sky": "SHORE",
"minecraft:savanna": "SAVANNA",
"minecraft:mushroom_island": "MUSHROOM",
"minecraft:mutated_savanna_rock": "PLATEAU_SAVANNA_M",
"minecraft:mutated_mesa": "BRYCE",
"traverse:glacier": "MOUNTAINS_NAKED",
"minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills": "MOUNTAINS_SNOW_CAPS",
"minecraft:mutated_desert": "DESERT",
"minecraft:mutated_desert": "DESERT",
"minecraft:mutated_roofed_forest": "DENSE_FOREST_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_jungle": "JUNGLE_CLIFFS",
"minecraft:ocean": "WATER",
"minecraft:taiga_cold_hills": "SNOW_PINES_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_mesa_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA_TREES_LOW",
"minecraft:mutated_mesa_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA_TREES_LOW",
"minecraft:mutated_savanna": "SAVANNA_CLIFFS"
"minecraft:mutated_jungle_edge": "JUNGLE_EDGE_HILLS",
"minecraft:desert": "DESERT",
"traverse:badlands": "DESERT",
"traverse:green_swamp": "SWAMP",
"minecraft:mutated_forest": "FOREST_FLOWERS",
"minecraft:beaches": "SHORE",
"minecraft:jungle_hills": "JUNGLE_HILLS",
"minecraft:frozen_river": "ICE",
"minecraft:birch_forest": "BIRCH",
"aroma1997sdimension:miningbiome": "PLAINS",
"minecraft:cold_beach": "SHORE",
"traverse:lush_hills": "HILLS",
"traverse:rocky_plateau": "MOUNTAINS_NAKED",
"minecraft:frozen_ocean": "ICE",
"minecraft:mesa_clear_rock": "PLATEAU_MESA",
"traverse:meadow": "PLAINS",
"traverse:mini_jungle": "JUNGLE",
"minecraft:desert_hills": "DESERT_HILLS",
"minecraft:mutated_plains": "SUNFLOWERS",
"minecraft:void": "END_VOID",
"minecraft:jungle": "JUNGLE",
"minecraft:mutated_birch_forest_hills": "TALL_BIRCH_HILLS",
"minecraft:birch_forest_hills": "BIRCH_HILLS",
"traverse:autumnal_woods": "FOREST",
"minecraft:mushroom_island": "MUSHROOM"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"variants": {
"variants": {
"normal": {"model": "zcm_alterlite:small_cube"},
"normal": {"model": "zcm_comalterlite:small_cube"},
"inventory": {"model": "zcm_alterlite:small_cube"}
"inventory": {"model": "zcm_comalterlite:small_cube"}
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"animation": {
"interpolate": true,
"frametime": 7
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"animation": {}
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"animation": {
"frametime": 2
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"name": "Pedestal Crafting",
"icon": "pedestalcrafting:pedestal_core:14",
"category": "gamemechanics",
"priority": true,
"pages": [
"type": "spotlight",
"item": "pedestalcrafting:pedestal_core:14",
"title": "Pedestal Crafting",
"text": "$(thing)Pedestal Crafting$() is the process of infusing something with other things or materials. A $(item)Pedestal Core$() and some $(item)Pedestals$() are required to be placed in a specific formation, as shown in the following page. $(item)Pedestals$() and $(item)Pedestal Cores$() $(thing)can be made out of various materials$() and does not necessarily need to be made out of $(item)Quartz$() or $(item)Diamonds$(). "
"type": "multiblock",
"name": "Pedestal Setup",
"multiblock": {
"pattern": [
" P ",
" P P ",
" ",
"P 0 P",
" ",
" P P ",
" P "
"mapping": {
"P": "pedestalcrafting:pedestal",
"0": "pedestalcrafting:pedestal_core"
"enable_visualize": true,
"text": "The layout of how a pedestal crafting area should look like. You can also use other materials for it as well."
"type": "spotlight",
"item": "pedestalcrafting:pedestal:14",
"title": "Pedestals",
"text": "$(item)Pedestals$(), besides being used in the infusion crafting process, $(thing)can also be used as decorative purposes$() to display valuable items around your home. Just make sure you use $(item)Pedestals$() and $(crit)not$() $(item)Pedestal Cores$() as cores may accidentally connect to other pedestals thinking that you're trying to infuse something."
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"name": "Fish Tanks",
"icon": "jaff:tank",
"category": "gettingcomfortable",
"pages": [
"type": "spotlight",
"title:" : "Fish Tanks",
"item": "jaff:tank",
"text": "Ever thought of wanting to own an aquarium full of live fish and not just fake fish? Well with the new $(thing)JAFF$() $(item)Fish Tank$(), now you can! $(p)These tanks are a $(thing)freeform multiblock structure$() that you can place together in any shape you want and form the aquarium of your dreams!"
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/fishtank.png" ],
"border": "true",
"text": "An example fish tank design."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/fishtank2.png" ],
"border": "true",
"text": "content_text_here"
"type": "text",
"text": "content_text_here"
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"name": "Lamps and Lanterns II",
"icon": "quark:blaze_lantern",
"category": "gettingcomfortable",
"pages": [
"type": "text",
"text": "As there is quite a variety of lighting choices you can use to light up your home, here are more types of lamps and lanterns you could use which range from light sources made up of special materials to light sources that need to be powered by some form of electricity."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "quark:blaze_lantern",
"text": "An alternative to glowstone if you have access to $(thing)the nether$(). If for some reason you can't land yourself some glowstone, perhaps you can farm Blazes and use their drops to create $(item)Blaze Lanterns$()."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "minecraft:sea_lantern",
"recipe2": "quark:elder_sea_lantern"
"type": "text",
"text": "Going to the nether not your style but want something similar? No problem. If you like swimming and diving, try going to $(thing)deep oceans$() and you just might find yourself an $(thing)ocean monument$(). $(p)These are pretty rare structures that are made up entirely out of $(item)Prismarine$(), which you can use to make $(item)Sea Lanterns$(). $(p)Combine an $(item)Elder Prismarine$() with it and you can turn them into $(item)Elder Sea Lanterns$()."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "immersiveengineering:metal_decoration/lantern",
"text": "While still requiring glowstone, the $(item)lantern$() from $(thing)Immersive Engineering$() is very astheticly pleasing and fits into most designs without much effort. "
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "immersiveengineering:metal_devices/powered_lantern",
"text": "A powered variant of the $(thing)Immersive Engineering$() $(item)Lantern$(). This one requires continues consumption of LV current but is also a bit special. $(p)When powered, it $(thing)prevents hostile mobs from spawning$() within a 32 block radius."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "immersiveengineering:metal_devices/floodlight",
"text": "If powered lanterns are not enough, $(thing)Immersive Engineering$() also provides a $(item)Floodlight$() that you can use to light up a huge area at once. When powered, it shines a cone of light which you can $(thing)rotate and control$() it's $(thing)pitch and angle$()."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "quark:duskbound_lantern",
"text": "As part of the $(thing)Duskbound building set$(), the $(item)Duskbound Lantern$() complements purple builds with the duskbound blocks a lot. We have yet to see anyone utilize the entire set, maybe you'll be the first?"
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 116 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |