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82 lines
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"name": "Seasons",
"icon": "sereneseasons:ss_icon",
"category": "gamemechanics",
"pages": [
"type": "text",
"title": "Seasons",
"text": "Seasons is a core mechanic in this world. $(thing)Temperate biomes$() will go through the normal seasons throughout the year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter). $(br2)$(thing)Temperatures$() will shift, grass and foliage colors will change, the $(thing)chance of rain and storms$() will fluctuate, and more. The $(thing)types of crops$() you can grow will also differ from season to season."
"type": "text",
"text": "$(thing)Tropical biomes$(), such as deserts, jungles, and savannas, will go through Wet and Dry seasons. Additionally, in tropical biomes, you are only able to grow Summer crops due to the relatively high temperatures. $(br2)When a crop is in season, $(thing)it will grow as it normally does$(), and you'll be able to use bonemeal to grow it faster like normal. When a crop is out of season, $(thing)it will not grow at all$(), and you will not be able to use bonemeal on it. "
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/seasons1.png" ],
"border": "true",
"title": "Spring",
"text": "Spring is the 1st season of the year for temperate biomes."
"type": "text",
"text": "In $(thing)Spring$(), the grass and foliage transitions to a blue-ish green color, and biome temperatures start warming up from Winter towards the end of the season. $(br2)It is split up into 3 sub-seasons: Early Spring, Mid Spring, and Late Spring. Each sub-season lasts 7 in-game days. $(br2)$(blu)Winter snows$() start to melt, and $(thing)precipitation$() is also more frequent in Spring."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/seasons2.png" ],
"border": "true",
"title": "Summer",
"text": "Summer is the 2nd season of the year for temperate biomes."
"type": "text",
"text": "In $(thing)Summer$(), the grass and foliage mellows out to a yellow-ish green tint. $(br2)It is split up into 3 sub-seasons: Early Summer, Mid Summer, and Late Summer. Each sub-season lasts 7 in-game days. $(br2)$(thing)Thunderstorms$() are also more common in summer."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/seasons3.png" ],
"border": "true",
"title": "Autumn",
"text": "Autumn is the 3rd season of the year for temperate biomes."
"type": "text",
"text": "In $(thing)Autumn$(), the grass transitions to a yellow-ish color, while foliage gets an orange-ish tint, which is most vibrant at its peak. $(br2)It is split up into 3 sub-seasons: Early Autumn, Mid Autumn, and Late Autumn. Each sub-season lasts 7 in-game days. $(br2)$(thing)Biome temperatures$() start to fall towards the end of the season leading to $(blu)Winter$()."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/seasons4.png" ],
"border": "true",
"title": "Winter",
"text": "Winter is the 4th season of the year for temperate biomes."
"type": "text",
"text": "In $(thing)Winter$(), the grass and foliage fades in color. $(br2)It is split up into 3 sub-seasons: Early Winter, Mid Winter, and Late Winter. Each sub-season lasts 7 in-game days. $(thing)Biome temperatures$() drop, allowing $(blu)snow to start$() falling in biomes that normally don't receive any. $(br2)$(thing)Precipitation$() is also more frequent in Winter."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/seasons5.png" ],
"border": "true",
"title": "Wet Season",
"text": "Wet Season is a tropical season affecting jungle/desert biomes."
"type": "text",
"text": "In $(thing)Wet Season$(), the grass and foliage turns to a lush, green color. It is split up into 3 sub-seasons: Early Wet Season, Mid Wet Season, and Late Wet Season. $(br2)In Mid Wet Season, it can rain in desert biomes that normally don't receive any. During the Early/Late Wet Season, weather will act as it normally does. $(br2)The Wet Season starts at the beginning of Winter, and ends at the beginning of Summer."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/seasons6.png" ],
"border": "true",
"title": "Dry Season",
"text": "Dry Season is a tropical season affecting jungle/desert biomes."
"type": "text",
"text": "In $(thing)Dry Season$(), the grass and foliage turns to a yellow-ish color. It is split up into 3 sub-seasons: Early Dry Season, Mid Dry Season, and Late Dry Season. $(br2)In Mid Dry Season, it won't rain in jungle biomes that normally receive it. During the Early/Late Dry Season, weather will act as it normally does. $(br2)The Dry Season starts at the beginning of Summer, and ends at the beginning of Winter."