# List of other worldtypes (id) that this mod will try to work with. The worldtype has to support the IChunkPrimerFactory API for this to work [default: ]
# List of asset libraries loaded in the specified order. If the path starts with '/' it is going to be loaded directly from the classpath. If the path starts with '$' it is loaded from the config directory [default: [/assets/lostcities/citydata/conditions.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_desert.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_chisel.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/palette_chisel_desert.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/highwayparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/railparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/monorailparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/buildingparts.json], [/assets/lostcities/citydata/library.json], [$lostcities/userassets.json]]
# Disable this if you have mods like NEID or JEID installed. Note that when NEID or JEID is present this is disabled by default [default: true]
# List of privatep profiles that cannot be selected by the player but are only used as a child profile of another one [default: [bio_wasteland], [water_empty]]
# List of all supported profiles (used for world creation). Warning! Make sure there is always a 'default' profile! [default: [default], [cavern], [nodamage], [rarecities], [floating], [space], [waterbubbles], [biosphere], [onlycities], [tallbuildings], [safe], [ancient], [wasteland], [chisel], [atlantis], [realistic]]