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Icarus Imeji Uploader Service

Imeji (for short) is a form of PHP image uploader system that you can use to host a simple image uploader service on your server. It utilizes the dropzone.js library and also includes a basic POST uploader for clients incompatible with the aforementioned dropzone.js library.

This repository is used for development and project tracking of the code we use on our live image uploader. However, you a free to download a copy of it for yourself and alter it to use within the limits of our license.


  • A server running Apache (or anything else really, should work fine as well.)
  • mod_rewrite for Apache
  • PHP 7.1 or greater

That's about it.


You can configure parameters within dropload.php and upload.php to your liking, making them both have the same changes or have them function with different parameters respectively.

Don't forget to set up .htaccess to suit your server environment and also make sure to configure the path to your .htpasswd file. Ideally you would want the .htpasswd file itself outside of Imeji's working directory for safety.

Anything else such as the front-end design of pages is completely up to you to change. Be sure to change the paths of elements and assets in the index.php file and other related files too.


You can use our issue tracker to help report problems or suggest enhancements on the Imeji system. Merge requests are also welcome.


See the file.

Third Party Code Attribution

  • The Icarus Imeji Uploader Service uses the dropzone.js library by Matias Meno. (MIT License)
  • The front-end template uses the Identity template by ajlkn. (CCA 3.0 License)