ES - Level 1 0 0 ES - LevelCommons AA_PlayerHealth 5 0.02 L1_StageMode7 1 -5 "IngameMusic" AA_LastSavePoint 1 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 1 2 2 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 0 1 1 1.0 422 129 Lifebar AA_PlayerHealth "background-color" "#CCCCCC" "color" "#FF0000" Life Management Itself AA_PlayerHealth 3 0 0 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 1 0.5 224 672 1 Life Subtraction from Enemies EnemyProjectiles AA_PlayerHealth 1 L1_BombEnemy "Triggered" 1 1 0.3 AA_PlayerHealth 2 0.1 0 PlayerCharacter 3 TurretIsShooting 1 L1_Projectile1 "Foreground" "TurretBarrel" 3 TurretIsShooting 0 180 InGameTiles InGameTilemaps L1CS1 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 1 UnderPhone 0 0 "IS_PhoneRing" 1 1 "" "*intercom ringing*" 0.02 1.8 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Wait! Before you jump in, check out what's ahead of you!" 0.03 4 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "It looks they have some sort of turret deployed. They seem to fire once you're in their line of sight!" 0.03 5.5 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Fortunately our sensors indicate that the turrets don't turn. So once you get past them you're safe!" 0.03 5.1 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Just beware of those floating things, they look like floating landmines!" 0.03 4.8 0 0 "" 0.3 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 0 L1CS2 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 1 UnderPhone 0 0 "IS_PhoneRing" 1 1 "" "*intercom ringing*" 0.02 1.8 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Looks like this route is too mountanious. You might be able to go through the long way." 0.03 5.5 0 0 "" 0.3 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 0 L1CS3 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 1 1 1 "" 0.05 "UNKNOWN: " & newline & "HALT!! Who goes there!?" 0.03 3 "" 0.05 newline & "...!?" 0.03 1.5 "" L1P_Transition 1 -5 "CutsceneMusic" 1 "UNKNOWN: " & newline & "Well well well... What do we have here? Looks like someone's been trespassing on our territory." 0.03 5.6 "" 0.05 newline & "It's you people that's on OUR territory. I'm here to see the end of it." 0.03 4.9 "" 0.05 "UNKNOWN:" & newline & "Oh really now? This little pest thinks he can overpower me? News flash! In case you haven't been aware, all your land now belongs to us!" 0.03 7.3 "" 0.05 "UNKNOWN:" & newline & "We're in control now and there's nothing you can do about it as we'll soon find your little resistance base and get rid of the last of you." 0.03 7.3 "" 0.05 newline & "Oh Yeah? Well I'd like to see you try!!" 0.03 3.9 0 0 "" 0.3 "AttackNL" 1 1 0.5 LC_PlayerUncontrollable 0 0 3.6 0 0 5.6 "Black" "" 1 newline & newline & "To be continued..." & newline & "In episode 2..." 0.10 L1_CanPressESCtoQuit 1 8.5 0 1 Main Menu 27 (Esc) L1_CanPressESCtoQuit 0 1 DEBUG ONLY - REMOVE AFTER 111 (Num Div) 5800 80