ES - Level 1 PRE 0 0 Post Main Menu Intro Goes here 1 L1P_Transition 1 -5 "CutsceneMusic" 1 3 0 2.5 UnderPhone 0 0 "IS_PhoneRing" 1 1 "*intercom ringing*" 0.02 1.8 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Fox One, Oh thank god you're alive. We weren't sure if you would have survived that crash!" 0.05 7.5 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "You were shot out of the sky by some sort of anti-air missile. But thanks to that suit you're still in one piece!" 0.05 8.8 0 0 "" 0.3 1 1 0.3 "" 0.05 newline & "zzzzttttt..... zzztttt... zzzztttttttttt..... zzzttt...... zzzzzzttttt......." 0.05 3.5 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Owh... It looks like the mic on your intercom broke, all we're hearing is static..." 0.05 6.6 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "This will definitely be a problem with communication, but not to worry! At least we can still monitor your life signs from here!" 0.05 9.3 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "You're not too far away from the base. Your suit should really help you navigate through the fields!" 0.05 8 1 "" 0.05 "COMMAND CENTER: " & newline & "Our sensors indicate that there's quite a few of the empire's units out there. Be careful!" 0.05 7 "" 0 0 0 3 4.8 Level 1 FOR DEBUG ONLY !! - REMOVE AFTER 189 (-) Level 1