This is the repository for Yandols' Bachelor's Degree Final Year Project Game (2019). Game created in Construct 2 and Launcher/Updater is created with AHK.
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ResistanceSaga/Layouts/Level 1B.xml

615 lines
39 KiB

Tons of uncommited changes since the last commit. In ascending order: * Added music to the intro scene by the same composer of the title theme (DJ-Rec0il). * Redone animations event script (and removed falling animation due to infinite loop problems). * Added enemies sprites. * Grouped enemy collisions. * Completely redesigned levels again due to data loss. * Changed level design to use Tilemap instead of Tiled Background. * Fixed main menu going blank if user hit the space button before everything finished loading. * Made BombEnemy animated. * Altered some frames in Player walking animation. * Fixed some parts of ground tile being incorrectly impassable. * Rewritten some parts of the story dialogues on levels. * Added music by PrototypeRaptor for levels. * Fixed respawn bug. * Fixed incorrect parallaxing when transitioning from L1PRE to Level 1 by using a workaround. * Added empire trooper to end of Level 1. * Updated main menu cursor to also be controllable by W and S keys. * Updated main menu cursor confirm button to also accept the ENTER/Return key. * Rebalanced enemy projectile speed and damage dealth amount. * Added Level 1B for boss fight arena with appropriate music. * Added a new layer for stage decorations and added trees to L1PRE and Level 1. * Fixed another parallaxing bug. * Removed boss fight because I can't get the AI to work properly. Game ends at a To Be Continued screen. * Level 1B still remains intact, just unused for now. * Fixed some collision problems with the stage decorations. * Rearranged a bit of the Level 1 starting scripts. * Fixed a bug where the text character ' does not render properly in dialogs. * Fixed typo in dialogs. * Made the game now return to the Main Menu Screen automatically after the To Be Continued Screen. * Remove pressing ESCAPE to quit the game functionality to prevent accidental quit game. * Fixed more text rendering issues relating to the text character ' . * Adjusted some dialog timings in cutscenes.
5 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<name>Level 1B</name>
<event-sheet>ES - Level 1B</event-sheet>
<layer name="Background" sid="576804753242947">
<instance type="L1_ParallaxBG" uid="132">
<effects />
<layer name="Foreground" sid="942028357699352">
<instance type="L1B_Projectile" uid="124">
<behavior-instance type="Bullet">
<effect-instance type="AdjustHSL">
<instance type="BarrierTile" uid="125">
<behavior-instance type="Solid">
<instance type="BarrierTile" uid="126">
<behavior-instance type="Solid">
<instance type="L1B_Tilemap1" uid="134">
<behavior-instance type="Solid">
<effect-instance type="AdjustHSL">
<instance type="L1B_Tilemap2" uid="135">
<effect-instance type="AdjustHSL">
<instance type="L1_EnemyCH" uid="133">
<behavior-instance type="Platform">
<behavior-instance type="Pathfinding">
<instance type="PlayerCharacter" uid="123">
<behavior-instance type="Platform">
<behavior-instance type="ScrollTo">
<behavior-instance type="Pin" />
<effects />
<layer name="Scene Elements" sid="461973836322700">
<instance type="L1B_Tilemap1b" uid="136">
<effect-instance type="AdjustHSL">
<effects />
<layer name="Scene Text Dialogue Box" sid="291588988109007">
<instance type="L1B_DialogBox" uid="127">
<instance type="HealthBar" uid="129">
<instance type="HeartBit" uid="130">
<effects />
<layer name="Scene Text Font" sid="148143167776941">
<instance type="L1B_TFDialogue" uid="128">
<text>This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. </text>
<behavior-instance type="Typing">
<typing-mode>Left to right</typing-mode>
<effects />
<layer name="Black" sid="968731833010243">
<instance type="L1B_BlackBG" uid="131">
<behavior-instance type="Fade">
<effects />
<nonworld-instances />
<effects />