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# Configuration file
backup {
# The compression type used for backups. The following ones are available: "zip", "tar", "tar.gz", "folder"
backup_location {
# The filename of the backup files. Supported variables:
# world, year, month, date, hour, minute, second, identifier.
# Please note: using the identifier is recommended, but not enforced. Please make sure, that your filenames are unique and that two backups will not have the same filename. [default: %world%/Backup--%world%--%year%-%month%-%date%--%hour%-%minute%]
# Where to store the Backups. Either an absolute path or relative to the minecraft folder.
backup_schedule {
# How frequently a automatic backup is done in minutes. 0 means Auto-Backup disabled.
# How many full backups to keep. When there are this many full backups, the oldest full backup will be deleted together with all incremental backups, that depend on it. [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 30]
# How many incremental backups to create. Set to something bigger that 0 to enable. If this is set to for example 5, then there will be one full backup, 5 incremental backups and then the next full backup and so on. [range: 0 ~ 500, default: 0]
# How many incremental backups to keep. When there are this many incremental backups, the oldest incremental backup will be deleted together with all backups, that depend on it. [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 100]
# If a backup should be done when the world gets loaded.
# If the scheduled backup should be skipped if no players were on the server since the last one.
general {
# If all players or only admins can use the /backup command.
# If the blacklist is enabled, the dimensions (ids) specified here will not be backed up.
I:blacklist <
# Compression rate. Has to be between 9 (high compression) and 1 (low compression).
# If this is set to true, it will use the Dimension Whitelist, if it is false, it will use the Dimension Blacklist
# If the whitelist is enabled, only the dimensions (ids) specified here will be backed up.
I:whitelist <