Project home for New Alterlite - A new locaria community pack focused on a different approach of minecrafting.
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29 lines
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"name": "Fish Tanks",
"icon": "jaff:tank",
"category": "gettingcomfortable",
"pages": [
"type": "spotlight",
"title:" : "Fish Tanks",
"item": "jaff:tank",
"text": "Ever thought of wanting to own an aquarium full of live fish and not just fake fish? Well with the new $(thing)JAFF$() $(item)Fish Tank$(), now you can! $(p)These tanks are a $(thing)freeform multiblock structure$() that you can place together in any shape you want and form the aquarium of your dreams!"
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/fishtank.png" ],
"border": "true",
"text": "An example fish tank design."
"type": "image",
"images": [ "patchouli:textures/fishtank2.png" ],
"border": "true",
"text": "content_text_here"
"type": "text",
"text": "content_text_here"