Project home for New Alterlite - A new locaria community pack focused on a different approach of minecrafting.
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Info panels allow you to write tutorials, welcome messages, or any type of information you would like to add into the game.
If you just want it to start up on first world load. add §e'loadOnLogin:true'§r to your infopanel json file.
You can also use minecraft books to open the gui. All you have to do is create a minecraft book with nbt data. §9 '{infopanel:<json file name>}'
§e~~Command Example (For welcome.json example):§9 /give <player name> minecraft:book 1 0 {infopanel:welcome}§r
A quicker command to give the command sender a book for a specfic infopanel. '/mpadmin infopanel <playername> <giveBook/opengui> <json file name>', Auto complete is set up to help you out.
If you have load on login true, And you want it to retrigger with a new modpack update, just change the json file name.
§cFiles are read in UTF-8 Encoding! So if you get strange characters. Your file may be the incorrect encoding. Using a tool like Notpad++ will tell your encoding in the bottom right corner. And in a dropdown you can convert the text file. Some editing my be needed. §r
§l§9Click Next for more info on infopanels...