Project home for New Alterlite - A new locaria community pack focused on a different approach of minecrafting.
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190 lines
4.8 KiB

"makeshiftfurnace": [
"type": "block:simple",
"entries": [
"id": "makeshiftfurnace",
"creativeTab": "zcm_alterlite",
"itemModel": "zcm_alterlite:sensor_iron",
"tileEntity": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"material": "wood",
"soundType": "wood",
"hardness": 3.0,
"harvestTool": "axe",
"flammability": 80,
"fireSpreadSpeed": 100,
"information": ["Very basic furnace.", "Only capable of smelting basic items and cannot be automated."],
"gui": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace"
"type": "tileentity:simple",
"entries": [
"id": "makeshiftfurnace",
"modules": [
"type": "machine",
"name": "makeshiftfurnace",
"inputSlots": 1,
"outputSlots": 1,
"fuelSlots": 1,
"recipeList": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"fuelList": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace"
"type": "gui:container",
"entries": [
"id": "makeshiftfurnace",
"bg": "zcm_alterlite:textures/gui/container/furnace.png",
"slots": [
"name": "makeshiftfurnace",
"rows": 1,
"columns": 1,
"x": 56,
"y": 17
"name": "makeshiftfurnace",
"rows": 1,
"columns": 1,
"firstSlot": 1,
"x": 116,
"y": 35,
"spacingX": 26
"name": "makeshiftfurnace",
"rows": 1,
"columns": 1,
"firstSlot": 2,
"x": 56,
"y": 53
"name": "player",
"firstSlot": 9,
"rows": 3,
"columns": 9,
"x": 8,
"y": 84
"name": "player",
"rows": 1,
"columns": 9,
"x": 8,
"y": 142
"shiftClickRules": [
"from": [0, 2],
"to": [38, 3]
"from": [3, 38],
"to": [0, 0],
"filter": "machineInput:zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace"
"from": [3, 38],
"to": [2, 2],
"filter": "machineFuel:zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace"
"labels": [
"text": "zcm_alterlite.container.makeshiftfurnace",
"x": 48,
"y": 6
"text": "container.inventory",
"x": 8,
"y": 73
"progressBars": [
"source": "makeshiftfurnace:cookTime",
"x": 80,
"y": 34,
"width": 22,
"height": 16,
"texX": 177,
"texY": 14,
"direction": "right"
"source": "makeshiftfurnace:burnTime",
"x": 56,
"y": 36,
"width": 14,
"height": 13,
"texX": 176,
"texY": 0,
"direction": "up"
"type": "machineFuel",
"entries": [
"fuelList": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"items": ["ore:stickWood", "minecraft:coal", "minecraft:charcoal"],
"burnTime": 200
"type": "machineRecipe",
"entries": [
"recipeList": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"input": "minecraft:cobblestone",
"output": "minecraft:stone",
"cookTime": 400
"recipeList": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"input": "ore:log",
"output": "minecraft:charcoal",
"cookTime": 400
"type": "jei:machineRecipe",
"entries": [
"recipeList": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"gui": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"tileEntity": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"bgX": 37,
"bgY": 16,
"bgWidth": 126,
"bgHeight": 54,
"icon": "zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace",
"title": "Makeshift Furnace Recipes",
"recipeAreaX": 80,
"recipeAreaY": 35,
"recipeAreaWidth": 22,
"recipeAreaHeight": 15