Project home for New Alterlite - A new locaria community pack focused on a different approach of minecrafting.
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import mods.artisanworktables.builder.RecipeBuilder;
print("Initializing 'NA04 - ZCM/Composite Alterlite recipes and content for New Alterlite'...");
// ZCM Makeshift Furnace -- Deprecated, will be removed.
recipes.addShaped("zcm_furnace", <zcm_alterlite:makeshiftfurnace>,
[[<ore:logWood>, <ore:plankWood>, <ore:logWood>],
[<ore:logWood>, <ore:plankWood>, <ore:logWood>],
[<minecraft:clay_ball>, <minecraft:clay_ball>, <minecraft:clay_ball>]]);
print("Making sure this mod is disabled. If you can see this, the script is not properly configured!");
// See 1x_artisan_x.zs scripts for labyrinth blocks recipes and the sort.
// Composite Block Recipe
[<zcm_comalterlite:syntheticsand>, <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticdirt>, <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticsand>],
[<zcm_comalterlite:syntheticdirt>, <ore:ingotIron>, <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticdirt>],
[<zcm_comalterlite:syntheticsand>, <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticdirt>, <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticsand>]])
.addOutput(<zcm_comalterlite:compositeblock> * 4)
.addTool(<ore:artisansSifter>, 8)
.addTool(<ore:artisansBurner>, 8)
// Synthetic Dirt
recipes.addShaped("zcm_ca_synthetic_dirt_recipe", <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticdirt>,
[[<ore:itemRubber>, <ore:dirt>, null],
[<ore:dirt>, <ore:itemRubber>, null],
[null, null, null]]);
// Synthetic Sand
recipes.addShaped("zcm_ca_synthetic_sand_recipe", <zcm_comalterlite:syntheticsand>,
[[<ore:itemRubber>, <ore:sand>, null],
[<ore:sand>, <ore:itemRubber>, null],
[null, null, null]]);
print("Initialization of 'NA04 - ZCM/Composite Alterlite recipes and content for New Alterlite' has been completed.");