print("Initializing 'NA03 - OreDicts for New Alterlite'..."); // Add Seeds OreDict val nSeeds = ; val LSeeds = ; nSeeds.add(); LSeeds.add(); //nSeeds.add(); //LSeeds.add(); // Remove Redundant and Unused Copper //.remove(); //.remove(); /* print("\n\nSelf-debugger is online\n\n"); print("Now adding manual oreDict entries for Copper in script"); val sCopperOres = ; val sCopperIngots = ; //sCopperOres.remove(); //sCopperIngots.remove(); if(sCopperOres in ){ sCopperOres.remove(); print("Attempting to remove NER Copper Ore !"); } if(sCopperOres has ){ print("Failed to remove NER Copper Ore from the oreDict !"); } if(sCopperIngots in ){ sCopperIngots.remove(); print("Attempting to remove NER Copper Ingot !"); } if(sCopperIngots has ){ print("Failed to remove NER Copper Ingot from the oreDict !"); } print("\n\nSelf-debugger is offline\n\n"); */ print("Initialization of 'NA03 - OreDicts for New Alterlite' has been completed.");