Custom Splashtext! Established 2016 I see you Bring me Kahveh! Bang! Roti Canai Satu! Bang! Teh Tarik Satu! You accepted the End User License Agreement Form a contract with me and become a ma- Free for Life. Eat the noodle! I'll be there in 5 minutes! If Anyone Khan, Genghis Khan. All good things start with A. Example: A Doctor All good things start with A. Example: A Lawyer Love You, Pho Real. Calculator? Why not Calcunow? When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade My dog ate my homework, so I ate him. First man take drink, then drink take drink, then drink take man. "Man who want pretty nurse, must be patient" I love McDonalds in the morning. Count not what you lost, but what is left. I know when that hotline bling. Tai Ni Po Ni Wai Yu So Tan Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot. Please fall into the river carefully. I speak Singlish, but my England is also very good! We're gonna build a wall! Do you wanna be a cyborg? Don't look back! No Punchable Trees! We have a phone... All your base are belong to us A Card on Eris! I cast White Eyes Purple Dragon! Please don't press on the durian Win liao lo BO JIO! Come I clap for you If you got this far, you can go further You Khatib be kidding me. Marsiling Fan is broken. Hougang you come so late? Sorry, I really need to pee, my Braddell is full. Others may try but they Kent Ridge it. Your Name Here. Burn His House, Beat His Mother. [Intensify Intensifies] [Hacks you in Spanish] People die when they are killed... Long long ago, in a land far, far away... Safety Torch! Subtitles Available [FREEDOM INTENSIFIES] [yawns emotionally] There are so many reasons not to kill yourselves! Paradoxes sold separately. If they look like a girl and act like a girl, it's probably a guy. Its a Trap!! I like Corn. I'll send you to the Netherlands! Get in the car I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish. I ACTIVATE MY TRAP CARD- owait wrong game. You're doing it wrong! SONO CHI NO SADAME!! To be continued... It's all according to keikaku. I'm willing to bey my virginity that it was Grimlock. This guy won't die even if we kill him! Being alone... feels so lonely. Your resistance is a necessity. Don't let your dreams just be dreams! Let your dreams just be dreams! Nyaa Lurk moar Brain Powered! It's cold in Kalos Because people die if they are killed Technically incorrect, the worst type of incorrect Luminize to the future I can see forever I used to wonder what friendship could be Don't lose your way! Where's Alfred? Look, I researched dirt! "It's [most definitely] yer boi!" Bamboozled again! You think I look funny? Well I have a knife heheheheheh. They see me rollin' they hatin' Mistakes were made. Reuben will remember this Everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Don't make obsidian tools! Never take the easy way out, unless it involves pizza, then maybe you should reconsider. Shoot the moon! Soooooonnnnnnnnnnnn If something is made of iron, is it ironic? A small loan of 5 million Kyphers What's brown and sticky? A stick! Do you really have to do this every morning? Unlimited Bait Works I am the Bone of my Sword I am the meme of my sword I am the slam of my jam I am the bone of my cake They see me mowin' my front lawn! pls You know the rules, well so do I! Never gonna give you up Play everyday until you like it! Its super effective! Wake me up inside My life is a lie I'll kill you so hard you will die to death Prepare your wallets for steam sales Hide yo money, Hide yo wallets! Its sale time! Irisviel is best waifu. Keep the Earth clean, it isn't Uranus Help! We've fallen and we can't get up! 3spook5me You're a wizard Harry Can't touch this Hodor You must construct additional pylons! Do not play this during a college lecture. top kek One does not simply steal steel. What is your modus operandi Screw the rules, I have mana! Skyrim Shuffle Haters gotta hate I'm Jarl Balgruuf and I be ballin' I am not a man, but neither am I a boy. :D I love... LOOOOVEEEE Moist Towelettes! Trololololololololol You're lying Morgan! Don't get too close! Fight For Quiescence Endure Emptiness Not this shit again The fortune you seek is in another cookie. My friends call me Dan, girls call me Tonight. Breathe now! Embrace the powerful tacos! 1366x768 is best resolution. Owh! Happy dust! The kitchen is a deadly place ITS TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DUELLLL!!!! I think the Jarl can't keep things under control. I dare you to do a Rocket Jump Row row, fight teh powah! AND HIS NAME IS- A heist has been started by ya boi. Woohoo chair stream! It's dangerous to go alone, take this! Wow such meme All hail the great chair! I went on reddit today... Top 10 swordsman in anime Hibiki is best ship girl By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! Exploitable! Your Nether Gonna Get Outta Here. Splatoon squid girls are laifu I'm gonna raid your house... TO USE YOUR TOILET!! Villager #3 is illuminati confirmed. Villager #47 likes cake. Are you willing to make your house out of Bedrock? It was my secret! You need to go deeper, we know you can Good Morning! Vault-Tec calling! [dramatic music] I... still don't get it. MINECRAFT!! ITS MY ADDICTION!! What is happening!? The floor is lava! I can't find Resonant Ender :( ITS TIME TO DUEL!!!! Now with Pirates! Sticks and Stones! Technically unbalanced Technically balanced [solos mid lane] Nerf This!! Turtles not included Technical Difficulties included Who you gonna call? Tech Support! Be careful in the dark! Keep caves lit up! Top is missing! [nerfing intensifies] Gotta love that futurefunk We are number one, hey! Live near a river for the best view! Strategical bases is key Contract Signing! Turrets sold seperately Your ad here. Top 10 Anime Betrayals Something Happened. Press CTRL+R for a new splash text! Do you know da wae? I can sho da wae~ Hello There! Your son is very impressive, you must be very proud. Your clones are very impressive, you must be very proud. Not just the men, but the women and children too! Oh, I don't think so Use my knowledge. I beg you. There's a problem on the horizon. There's no horizon. General Kenobi !!! Name an iconic duo, I'll wait. I feel like I've been in this place before... Evacuate the city, Engage all defenses, And get tihs man a seat The senate will decide your fate I have the power to save the one you love The negotiations were short. Have you heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? Oh the stories the Jedi wouldn't tell you. Top o' the mornin' to ya Fool! I have been trained in your chopping arts by Cheff Ramsey! UNLIMITED POWER!!! What about the droid attack on the wookies? From my point of view, the Jedi are evil! I have the high ground! You underestimate my power! You turned her against me! You are a bold one [marching sounds] I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi This is where the main() begins. Coffee sold separately. Cousin! Let's go bowling! Battle Dynamite Warehouse. Do you want to play Fight Againsh Demon? You excitement has reached the climax. Don't touch me Frodo. I feel far from good Your already you know what is a defeat. Come the chicken of the east Jump to Symbol Definition Humanity has Declined But the west will rule the galaxy again Game time started You are the Nest, Melon Finally, we will do backstroke I say you got toast to me You and that pair of pigeons don't think going anywhere You two careful, he is a big The geography that I stands compares you superior I am a Speedbump from Chinatown, Make the Empire great again! Adult, you were caught What a beautiful duwang! Your breakfast is ready. The Final Hopeless Situation The program will be lost. I have snooker supremo own command We need your hopeless restructuring Burn your own base, and destroy their cars Do not stop pile of old books First Army to take over the galaxy Emotional expansion Please participate in the happy buzz Why do you come from barren land? Boat is too small, too close Big! I saw him! It will be like an egg hit the door as If she was wrong, she must know why it is correct This is the original power. If you open the mystery, please check your behavior Lay down your arms, hands up and fight with scum Who farted? I stimulated the conflict soul We must be burned first round of fire. Your voice has not been detected. The screen is not of blue. You are the golden one. Beware The Big Sad! Now with multiple world types! You laugh now, wait till you get home. Come with me if you want to live! The Game Almost broke from an explosion! We are men, manly man! The disabled must be solved My goodness you've grown. Dedicate the barbecue for your speaker. Pull the name of the gram. Do not take the elevator to do the game. Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Everybody is good Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. They began the end of the world Become us to the world to hope so Subscribe to PewDiePie! Also check out CaptainSparklez! Also check out Mischief of Mice! Also check out GiantWaffle on Twitch! Also check out Matrixis on Twitch! The land is retreating tomorrow He returns incredibly on the hoof Always there are two. No more, no less. I am for ordinary monkey I feel far from good I have a bad feeling about this I don't feel so good... Worry not, we are for the big. The Game, You lost it. Everything ends, the peaceful is willing to. You have the power to be inserted in large Titan. Very good, the ratio is very prosperous. Do not become part of garbage You are defeated by me Twice the pride, double the fall. No boat will be allowed to take off or land until further notice. I want pictures of Spiderman! Energetic Victorious Kumquat S U C C THE D U C C We'll bang, okay? Steak, Liara. I think about when there's so much steak. I downloaded some video footage. Footage of cats. Hello? Is this the future? Our security forces are limited I used to work in the sawmill. Legend of the Legends Legends of the Legend Become Human You survived... Zero Chemistry Romance You'll do whatever I say Do humans think? Is this a pigeon? What is that large light? It's over! I have the sand! Resonant Frames! Looking for something? Go find it! Welcome aboard, Captain. All systems online Civilization is flourishing Civilization is diminishing ResidentSleeper PEPEGA The dark one calls... You better not steal my muffin! Do not get lost, you will not survive it. Send this to your best friend You so precious when you smile Beware he risens The day of green is upon us Hmmmmmm Is this a pie? You had one job It is time for your redemption Oh that's nasty You want to do what? Eat the brownie How Knot To Hang A Painting Beware of the Earworm Obi-Wan senses the stop button Obi-Wan Drinks Qui-Gon's Gin Revenge of the Sand Rise of Darth Sand The Tragedy of Darth Sand The Phantom of the Oak Steak Duel of the Fates Almost heaven... West virginia... Mountain mama... Country roads, take me home! Country roads, take me home! To the place... I belong! Beware the Irish man. She took the kids. H E L L O Now recruiting: Master of Memology Venti Double Frappucino Cappucino Whipped The Fish Tank needs Water! You're going to have a bad time Battle Against A True Hero One of these are not like the other Wings! Snacc attack! Wanted: Master of Trolling The Most Insane Gaming Setup Nepu Nepu Nepu Phanerozoic Now with soundtrack! For you C R A B R A V E Let the bass kick! Now, it is ourcraft too! Let me show you, the dark side! Reacting to my reactions of reactions Hej, Hej Monika It's time for BONUS MEME!!! But can you do this? $399, that's a great price! Minecraft && Chill Zelda && Chill Start over from Scratch, I dare you! Before The Dark Times It was a LEGEND of HOPE. It was a LEGEND of DREAMS. It was a LEGEND of LIGHT. It was a LEGEND of DARK. Beware the tornados! Punch Trees Bad! Lv.35 Boss Lv.50 Villian Lv.100 Godfather Astolfo is love, Astolfo is life. Also try Meme Exchange! You missed your Spanish lesson... French or Wrench? Drink bottles of water! Stay hydrated! Drink water, you must. Soda to destroy humanity Duo never feels tired Duo ist stark und toll. Nee je bent geen appel! Plead for your life in Korean. Beg for mercy in Japanese. お前はもう死んでる Don't spoil the endgame. Watched Endgame, you have. Spoil it, you will not. Avenge the fallen. YEET! Ore, I spot. Explore deeper into cave, I will. Hail Hydrate If do aer drunk water, are hihdrat e. If do ar not drunk, ar lowdrate. There is always a bigger fish The fastest backstroke in the west The royal guardian is the inside It is in hour. He is speaking the language of the gods Cute Puppers