{ "name": "[Old] First Steps", "icon": "minecraft:wooden_axe", "category": "gettingstarted", "priority": true, "pages": [ { "type": "spotlight", "item": "minecraft:log", "title": "First Steps", "text": "The first thing anyone would want to do is to $(thing)get enough wood$() to build a small shelter. $(br2)Start by $(thing)punching trees$() to start getting $(item)wooden logs$(). However you'll soon realize that this method of gathering wood is nearly not as efficient." }, { "type": "crafting", "recipe": "minecraft:wooden_axe", "text": "After using a $(item)Wooden Axe$(), you will soon realize how much more efficient it is compared to using your bare hands. The wooden axe however is $(low)the most basic level$() of an axe, and $(thing)you can craft more powerful ones$() later on." } ] }