print("Initializing 'NA01 - Adjustments for New Alterlite'..."); // Alter Bitcoin Ores Stuff Names .displayName = "Coinium Ore"; .displayName = "Coinium Block"; .displayName = "Coinium Chain"; .displayName = "Minted Coinium"; // Alter Starting Book Recipes recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShapeless("openblocks_book_rerecipe", , [, ]); // Alter Waystone Return Scroll Recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("waystonereturnscroll_rerecipe", , [[null, , null], [null, , null], [, , ]]); // Alter Corpse Complex Return Death Scroll Name and Recipe .displayName = "Scroll of Death Memory"; recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("returndeathscroll_rerecipe", , [[null, , null], [null, , null], [, , ]]); // Alter Empty Altas Map Recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("antiqueatlas_rerecipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // Alter Weirding Gadget Recipe and Name //recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("weirdinggadget_rerecipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); .displayName = "World Stabilizer"; // Alter Aroma Dimension Changer Name .displayName = "Specular Transitioner"; // Alter 1.14/Charm's Barrel Name .displayName = "Villager's Barrel"; .displayName = "Villager's Barrel"; .displayName = "Villager's Barrel"; // Water Strainers // Disabled as Alpha 02 does not use Water Strainers // Recipes not removed in case they will make a comeback in the future. /* recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("waterstrainer_strainer_base_recipe", , [[, null, ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("waterstrainer_obsidian_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("waterstrainer_obsidian_wide_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("waterstrainer_iron_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("waterstrainer_iron_wide_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); */ // Alter Vanilla Chests and Quark Chests Crafting Recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("newalterlite_chest_rerecipe_0" , * 4, [[, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("newalterlite_chest_rerecipe_1" , * 4, [[, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("newalterlite_chest_rerecipe_2" , * 4, [[, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("newalterlite_chest_rerecipe_3" , * 4, [[, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("newalterlite_chest_rerecipe_4" , * 4, [[, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("newalterlite_chest_rerecipe_5" , * 4, [[, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); // Alter Tinkers Part Chest Recipe // Disabled as Alpha 02 does not use Tinker's Construct /* recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("tconstruct_partschest", , [[null, , null], [null, , null], [null, null, null]]); */ // Adjust Waystones Mining Hardness to prevent accidental mining of it. .hardness = 16.0; .hardness = 16.0; .hardness = 16.0; .hardness = 16.0; .hardness = 16.0; .hardness = 16.0; // Allow alloying steel in IE Alloy Kiln but make it time consuming to prevent player from not advancing to the better creation method. mods.immersiveengineering.AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, , , 6000); // Remove a recipe conflict with coal coke block recipes.removeByRecipeName("thermalfoundation:storage_resource_1"); recipes.addShaped("thermalfoundation_storage_resource_1", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // Alter names of some ingots //.displayName = "Terracottium Brick"; // Quark Weather Sensor //recipes.addShaped(, // [[, , ], // [, , ], // [, , ]]); // Make Ender Crop Seeds slgihtly cheaper recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("endercrop_seeds", , [[, , null], [, , null], [null, null, null]]); // Alter Lore Expansion Stuff .displayName = "Lore Journal"; .addTooltip("Collect missing pages from and keep"); .addTooltip("them safe in this journal to learn more"); .addTooltip("about the universe you're in."); recipes.addShapeless("na_lorebook", , [, ]); // Weather2 Additional Tooltips .addTooltip("Lets you know how strong the wind is."); .addTooltip("Lets you know in which direction"); .addTooltip("is the wind currently blowing towards."); .addTooltip("Place in the center of a 3x3 area."); .addTooltip("Lets you know about the weather"); .addTooltip("forecast around your immediate area."); .addTooltip("Outputs a redstone signal if a critically"); .addTooltip("bad weather has been detected within range."); .addTooltip("Sets off an alarm if a critically"); .addTooltip("bad weather is detected within range."); .addTooltip("A manual alarm that can be"); .addTooltip("set off using redstone signals."); .addTooltip("Protects your base from getting potentially"); .addTooltip("destroyed by critically bad weather."); .addTooltip("§eWARNING: DANGEROUS!!§r"); .addTooltip("Allows you to control the weather"); .addTooltip("within the immediate area."); .displayName = "Manual Siren"; .displayName = "Sand Layer"; // Weather2 Recipes // No manual recipe removals required thanks to built-in configs for Weather2. recipes.addShapeless("w2_layertosand_recipe", , [,,,,,,,]); recipes.addShaped("w2_anemometer_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [null, , null]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_windvane_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [null, , null]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_forecaster_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_tornado_sensor_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_siren_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_manualsiren_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_weather_machine_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, .withTag({tank: {FluidName: "redstone", Amount: 16000}}), ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped("w2_weather_deflector_recipe", , [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // Set Tiered Depths Pickaxe Strength Requirement // Mining at Y38 and below requires at least a Wooden Pickaxe. // Mining at Y26 and below requires at least a Stone Pickaxe. // Mining at Y14 and below requires at least an Iron Pickaxe. // Mining at Y7 and below requires at least a Diamond Pickaxe.,38,0,1);,15,0,2);,7,0,3); // Also apply to Mining World,38,-6,1);,15,-6,2);,7,-6,3); print("Initialization of 'NA01 - Adjustments for New Alterlite' has been completed.");