These are the functions which can be called directly in a script advancement file. setDescription: Arguments: String Usage: description Notes: Sets the description for the advancement. This or setTranslatedDescription is required. setRequiresParents: Notes: This is a helper method which adds criteria either named 'completedParent'/'completedParent2'/etc or if the 'useNewParentCompletionCriteriaNames' option is set in the main config named the same as their title or resource location (Example: "Completed Some Advancement Title") with type "triumph:completed_advancement", and makes them a requirement. This effectively makes the advancement require its parents to be completed before it can be completed. setBackground: Arguments: boolean Usage: background resource location Notes: Sets the background for the advancement page. This is required and only used by root advancements. Be aware the background is tiled. drawDirectLines: Notes: Sets the advancement to draw direct lines to parents. hideLines: Notes: Sets the advancement to hide connection lines to parents. setPos: Arguments: int, int Usage: x pos, y pos Notes: Sets the x and y coordinates of the advancement. setTitle: Arguments: String Usage: title Notes: Sets the title for the advancement. This or setTranslatedTitle is required. setIcon: Arguments: ItemBlockData Usage: item data Notes: Sets the item icon for the advancement. This is required. addParent: Arguments: String Notes: Adds a parent for the advancement. This only effects its position on the advancement page and connection lines. By default parents are not required for the advancement to be completed. At least one parent is required for non-root advancements. If the string ends with a / it will be treated as a folder, and all advancements within that folder will be added as parents. setHidden: Arguments: boolean Usage: if the advancement should be hidden Notes: Sets if the advancement should be hidden until it is completed. Not compatible with other visibility options. addCriteria: Arguments: String, String Usage: criteria name, criteria trigger type Notes: Adds a criteria to the advancement with the specified type. Returns the criteria object for use as a variable. pageRequiresRoot: Notes: Convenience method to add a 'triumph:completed_advancement' criteria for this root to every advancement on the page. Can only be used in a root advancement. setRequirements: Arguments: String, String array Usage: Requirements type, criteria exception array Notes: This is a helper method designed to make setting criteria requirements easier. If set to "all" this will make all criteria required for completion. If set to "any" this will make any criteria complete the advancement. If set to "any" the array of criteria exceptions is used to configure the requirements where all exceptions are required plus any other single criteria. setRequirements: Arguments: String Usage: Requirements type. This type can be either "any" or "all" Notes: This is a helper method designed to make setting criteria requirements easier. If set to "all" this will make all criteria required for completion. If set to "any" this will make any criteria complete the advancement. addRequirements: Arguments: String array Usage: array of criteria requirements Notes: This is the manual way of adding requirements. The array of criteria requirements will be added as a requirement array. This is done in basically the same way as vanilla Json advancements, where an array of requirements is a group of criteria that, if all are completed, the advancement is completed. Multiple arrays can be added by calling this function multiple times. alwaysVisible: Notes: Makes the advancement always visible. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. setShowToast: Arguments: boolean Usage: if the toast should be shown Notes: Sets if a toast should be shown to the player when the advancement is completed. visibleUnless: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Makes the advancement visible if the provided advancement/gamestage is not completed. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. pageHiddenUnless: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Only usable in root advancements. Makes the page hidden if the provided advancement/gamestage is not completed. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. pageAlwaysHidden: Notes: Only usable in root advancements. Makes the page always hidden. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. setRepeatTime: Arguments: long Usage: number of seconds before the advancement can be repeated Notes: Sets the number of seconds real time between advancement completion and when it will be completable again. addRewardRecipe: Arguments: String Usage: recipe name Notes: Adds a recipe as a reward for completing the advancement. You can get the name of the recipe you want to grant from NEI or JEI. visibleIf: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Makes the advancement visible if the provided advancement/gamestage is complete. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. hiddenIf: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Makes the advancement hidden if the provided advancement/gamestage is complete. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. hiddenUnless: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Makes the advancement hidden if the provided advancement/gamestage is not completed. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. pageVisibleIf: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Only usable in root advancements. Makes the page visible if the provided advancement/gamestage is complete. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. addRewardItem: Arguments: ItemBlockData Usage: item data Notes: Adds the item as a reward for completing this advancement. setFrameType: Arguments: boolean Usage: frame type Notes: Sets the frame type for the advancement. Options are "TASK", "CHALLENGE", "GOAL". Default is TASK. pageHiddenIf: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Only usable in root advancements. Makes the page hidden if the provided advancement/gamestage is complete. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. alwaysHidden: Notes: Makes the advancement always hidden. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. pageVisibleUnless: Arguments: String Usage: Advancement resource location or gamestage name Notes: Only usable in root advancements. Makes the page visible if the provided advancement/gamestage is not completed. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. addRewardLootTable: Arguments: String Usage: loottable resource location Notes: Adds a loot table reward. setRewardExperience: Arguments: int Usage: experience Notes: Sets the experience amount for the reward for completing the advancement. This is in xp, not in levels. setCompletedIconColor: Arguments: int Usage: color Notes: Sets the completed icon color for the advancement. setCompletedIconColor: Arguments: int, int, int Usage: red, green, blue Notes: Sets the completed icon color for the advancement. setCompletedLineColor: Arguments: int Usage: color int Notes: Sets the completed line color for the advancement. setCompletedLineColor: Arguments: int, int, int Usage: red, green, blue Notes: Sets the completed line color for the advancement. setCompletedTitleColor: Arguments: int Usage: color Notes: Sets the completed title color for the advancement. setCompletedTitleColor: Arguments: int, int, int Usage: red, green, blue Notes: Sets the completed title color for the advancement. pageAlwaysVisible: Notes: Only usable in root advancements. Makes the page always visible. All visibility options (alwaysVisible, alwaysHidden, visibleIf, hiddenIf, visibleUnless and hiddenUnless) are run in order of addition to the script. The first one in the list to be completed is the one which enforces its visibility option. addRewardSkillable: Arguments: String, int Usage: skill, levels Notes: Adds a Skillable skill level up reward. setUncompletedIconColor: Arguments: int, int, int Usage: red, green, blue Notes: Sets the uncompleted icon color for the advancement. setUncompletedIconColor: Arguments: int Usage: color int Notes: Sets the uncompleted icon color for the advancement. addRewardFunction: Arguments: String Usage: function name Notes: Adds the function with the provided name as a reward for completing the advancement. setUncompletedTitleColor: Arguments: int, int, int Usage: red, green, blue Notes: Sets the uncompleted title color for the advancement. setUncompletedTitleColor: Arguments: int Usage: color int Notes: Sets the uncompleted title color for the advancement. setUncompletedLineColor: Arguments: int, int, int Usage: red, green, blue Notes: Sets the uncompleted line color for the advancement. setUncompletedLineColor: Arguments: int Usage: color int Notes: Sets the uncompleted line color for the advancement. setAnnounceToChat: Arguments: boolean Usage: if advancement completion should be announced in chat Notes: Sets if the advancement completion should be announced in chat. setTranslatedTitle: Arguments: String Usage: title translation path Notes: Sets the translated title for the advancement. Used for localization. This or setTitle is required. setTranslatedDescription: Arguments: String Usage: description translation path Notes: Sets the description for the advancement. Used for localization. This or setDescription is required.