# Configuration file "weather2: misc" { # Server and client side, Locks down the mod to only do wind, leaves, foliage shader if on, etc. No weather systems, turns overcast mode on B:Aesthetic_Only_Mode=false B:Block_AnemometerNoRecipe=true B:Block_SandLayerNoRecipe=true B:Block_SandNoRecipe=true B:Block_SensorNoRecipe=true B:Block_SirenManualNoRecipe=true B:Block_SirenNoRecipe=true B:Block_WeatherDeflectorNoRecipe=true B:Block_WeatherForecastNoRecipe=true B:Block_WeatherMachineNoRecipe=true B:Block_WeatherMachineNoTornadosOrCyclones=true B:Block_WindVaneNoRecipe=true # Use if you are on a server with weather but want it ALL off client side for performance reasons, overrides basically every client based setting B:Client_PotatoPC_Mode=false # Maximum percent of cloud coverage, supports over 100% for extended full cloud sky coverage D:Cloud_Coverage_Max_Percent=100.0 # Minimum percent of cloud coverage, supports negative for extended cloudless sky coverage D:Cloud_Coverage_Min_Percent=0.0 # How much to randomly change cloud coverage % amount, performed every 10 seconds D:Cloud_Coverage_Random_Change_Amount=0.05 # Distance between cloud formations, not particles, this includes invisible cloudless formations used during partial cloud coverage I:Cloud_Formation_MinDistBetweenSpawned=300 I:Cloud_Layer0_Height=200 # For a second layer of passive non storm progressing clouds B:Cloud_Layer1_Enable=false I:Cloud_Layer1_Height=350 # Not used at the moment I:Cloud_Layer2_Height=500 # How many ticks between cloud particle spawning I:Cloud_ParticleSpawnDelay=2 S:Dimension_List_Clouds=0,-127 S:Dimension_List_Storms=0,-127 S:Dimension_List_Weather=0,-127 S:Dimension_List_WindEffects=0,-127 # If true, will cancel vanilla behavior of setting clear weather when the player sleeps, for global overcast mode B:Global_Overcast_Prevent_Rain_Reset_On_Sleep=true B:Item_PocketSandNoRecipe=true # Disabling this recipe will keep them from using other recipes since it depends on this item B:Item_WeatherItemNoRecipe=true I:Misc_AutoDataSaveIntervalInTicks=36000 B:Misc_ForceVanillaCloudsOff=true B:Misc_proxyRenderOverrideEnabled=true I:Misc_simBoxRadiusCutoff=1124 I:Misc_simBoxRadiusSpawn=1024 I:Thread_Particle_Process_Delay=400 B:Villager_MoveInsideForStorms=true I:Villager_MoveInsideForStorms_Dist=256 B:blockBreakingInvokesCancellableEvent=false B:consoleDebug=false # Used if overcastMode is off, 1 = lock weather on, 0 = lock weather off, -1 = dont lock anything, let server do whatever I:lockServerWeatherMode=0 # If true, lets server side do vanilla weather rules, weather2 will only make storms when server side says 'rain' is on B:overcastMode=false B:radarCloudDebug=false D:sensorActivateDistance=256.0 D:shaderParticleRateAmplifier=3.0 D:sirenActivateDistance=256.0 D:volWaterfallScale=0.5 D:volWindLightningScale=1.0 D:volWindScale=0.05 D:volWindTreesScale=0.5 }