//This is a root advancement. It is the base advancement for a page. As such, it has no parent and has to set a background. //Set icon item setIcon() //Set title String setTitle("This is a title") //Set description String setDescription("This is a description") //Set background String. This is a path to any texture in a resource pack, so you can set it to fun things. setBackground("minecraft:textures/gui/advancements/backgrounds/adventure.png") //Set the toast notification in the top right corner of the screen to not show up when this advancement is achieved. setShowToast(false) //Set the advancement to not send a chat message when it is achieved. setAnnounceToChat(false) //Set the position setPos(11,17) //Adds a single location criteria. Since this has nothing specific set, it will be completed the instant the player is added to the world, thus unlocking the page instantly. addCriteria("location", "minecraft:location")