These are the functions which can be called on a PotionEffectData object. setVisible: Arguments: boolean Usage: true/false Notes: Sets if the effect is visible. setAmbient: Arguments: boolean Usage: true/false Notes: Sets if the effect is ambient. setDurationMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max duration for the effect. setAmplifierMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max amplifier for the effect. setDurationMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max duration for the effect. setAmplifierMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min amplifier for the effect. setDurationMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min duration for the effect. setAmplifierMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max amplifier for the effect.