# Configuration file general { # Used by weather2 B:debugShaders=false # Use at own risk, will not support B:enableAdvancedDeveloperConfigFiles=false # Used by weather2 B:foliageShaders=false # Used by weather2 B:forceShadersOff=false # Use a different json mob spawn template for testing different invasion setups, note this is referring to the 'format' tag in the json file, not the json file name itself, eg: mob_spawns_testing_miners from mob_spawns_testing_miners.json S:mobSpawnsProfile=mob_spawns # Force a specific profile to spawn, will ignore conditions and force it too be used, usefull for testing to see how a custom invasion will play out in normal circumstances, set it to one of the named invasions within your templates list, eg: invasion_stage_1 from mob_spawns.json S:mobSpawnsWaveToForceUse= # WIP, more strict transparent cloud usage, better on fps B:optimizedCloudRendering=false # Used by weather2 B:particleShaders=true # Provides better context for shaders/particles to work nice with translucent blocks like glass and water B:useEntityRenderHookForShaders=true # For debugging things B:useLoggingDebug=false # For logging warnings/errors B:useLoggingError=true # For seldom used but important things to print out in production B:useLoggingLog=true }