These are the functions which can be called on a minecraft:nether_travel criteria trigger. getDistanceData: Notes: Returns the DistanceData object so functions can be called on it. setEnteredFeature: Arguments: String Usage: feature id Notes: Sets the feature id for the entered location. Used for things like structures. setEnteredGeneratorOptions: Arguments: String Usage: generator string Notes: Sets the generator options string. setExitedWorldType: Arguments: String Usage: WorldType id Notes: Sets the WorldType id. setExitedGeneratorOptions: Arguments: String Usage: generator string Notes: Sets the generator options string. setEnteredWorldType: Arguments: String Usage: WorldType id Notes: Sets the WorldType id. getEnteredData: Notes: Returns the LocationData object for the entered location so functions can be called on it. setEnteredBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: biome id Notes: Sets the biome id for the entered location. Can be an int or String. setEnteredDimID: Arguments: int Usage: dimension id Notes: Sets the dimension id. getExitedData: Notes: Returns the LocationData object for the exited location so functions can be called on it. setExitedBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: biome id Notes: Sets the biome id for the exited location. Can be an int or String. setExitedFeature: Arguments: String Usage: feature id Notes: Sets the feature id for the exited location. Used for things like structures. setExitedDimID: Arguments: int Usage: dimension id Notes: Sets the dimension id. setCount: Arguments: int Usage: count Notes: Sets the number of times this criteria must be completed before it counts towards advancement progress.