# Configuration file "zombie awareness: features" { # Monsters see light near player and move towards it B:awareness_Light=true # Spawn scent/blood sense sources for monsters to track B:awareness_Scent=true # Spawn sound sense sources for monsters to track B:awareness_Sound=true # Only spawn sound sense entities in Overworld B:awareness_Sound_OverworldOnly=false # Spawn extra zombies in caves where other zombies already are if dark and away from player until Spawning.extraSpawningMaxCount is reached B:extraSpawningCave=false # Spawn extra zombies randomly on the surface at night if dark and away from player until Spawning.extraSpawningMaxCount is reached B:extraSpawningSurface=false # Pistons cause sound sense sources attracting monsters B:noisyPistons=true # Growling zombies attracts other zombies B:noisyZombies=true B:soundAlerts=true B:soundInvestigates=true # Uses a different kind of mob alert noise, might break immersion a bit ;) B:soundUseAlternateAlertNoise=true # How loud sounds should be for a mob targetting you D:soundVolumeAlertTarget=0.5 # How loud sounds should be when you are alerted that a mob is coming to investigate an area near you D:soundVolumeInvestigate=0.5 # Causes monsters to horde up and wander the surface together to random points B:wanderingHordes=true # MC/Forge default is 0.05, this overrides that default, set to -1 to cause no override then restore forges default in their config D:zombieBabyChance=0.0 # MC/Forge default is 0.1, this overrides that default, set to -1 to cause no override then restore forges default in their config D:zombieSummonHelpBaseChance=0.0 }