# Configuration file "weather2: sand" { I:Sandstorm_OddsTo1=30 # Allow layered sand blocks to buildup outside deserty biomes where sandstorm is B:Sandstorm_Sand_Buildup_AllowOutsideDesert=false # Base amount of loops done per iteration, scaled by the sandstorms intensity (value given here is the max possible) I:Sandstorm_Sand_Buildup_LoopAmountBase=800 # Amount of game ticks between sand buildup iterations, keep it high to prevent client side chunk update spam that destroys FPS I:Sandstorm_Sand_Buildup_TickRate=40 B:Sandstorm_Siren_PleaseNoDarude=true # Time between sandstorms for either each player or entire server depending on if global rate is on, default: 3 mc days I:Sandstorm_TimeBetweenInTicks=72000 B:Sandstorm_UseGlobalServerRate=false # Takes the sand out of sandwiches B:Storm_NoSandstorms=false }