print("Initializing 'NA06 - Extended Crafting Recipes for New Alterlite'..."); // TODO // Rename some of the tables /* .displayName = "Coinium Ore"; .displayName = "Coinium Block"; .displayName = "Coinium Blockchain"; .displayName = "Minted Coinium"; print("DEBUGMAN - If you can see this then multiline comments dont work in ZS."); */ // Alter Starting Book Recipes /* recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShapeless("openblocks_book", , [,]); // Alter Altas Map Recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("antiqueatlas_replacement_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // Alter Recipe and name for Weirding Gadget recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped("weirdinggadget_replacement_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); .displayName = "World Stabilizer"; */ //coolbarnedworldseed:1063123956552739016 print("Initialization of 'NA06 - Extended Crafting Recipes for New Alterlite' has been completed.");