print("Initializing 'NA03 - ZCM/New Alterlite recipes and content for New Alterlite'..."); // OreDicts val nAtlItem = ; nAtlItem.add(); val nAtlOre = ; nAtlOre.add(); val nAtlBlock = ; nAtlBlock.add(); // ------------------------------------------ // Alterlitum Block recipes.addShaped("zcm_na_alterlitiumblock_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // Alterlitium Lamp /* Disabled : Now use only Pedestal crafting for the alterlitium lamp recipes.addShaped("zcm_na_alterlitiumlamp_recipe", * 4, [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); */ // Alterlitium Lamp (Pedestal) mods.pedestalcrafting.Pedestal.addRecipe( * 4, 280, , [ , , , , , , , ], [["endRod", "4"]], [["fireworksSpark", "80"]], [["happyVillager", "80"]]); // Parchment recipes.addShaped("zcm_na_parchment_recipe", , [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // Unmarked Scroll recipes.addShaped("zcm_na_unmarkedscroll_recipe", , [[null, , null], [null, , null], [null, , null]]); // Attuned Pearl recipes.addShapeless("zcm_na_attunedpearl_recipe", , [ , ] ); // Sunlime recipes.addShapeless("zcm_na_sunlime_recipe", , [ , .withTag({stored_type: "naturesaura:overworld"}) ] ); print("Initialization of 'NA03 - ZCM/New Alterlite recipes and content for New Alterlite' has been completed.");