# Configuration file enabledmodules { B:AdvancedControlSystem=true B:AdvancedCrafter=true B:AdvancedShooter=true B:AdvancedSmelter=true B:AdvancedTank=true B:AdvancedThermalEngine=true B:BasicDrill=true B:BasicFarmer=true B:BasicSolarEngine=true B:BasicWoodCutter=true B:BrakeHandle=true B:BridgeBuilder=true B:Cage=true B:CakeServer=true B:ChunkLoader=true B:CleaningMachine=true B:CoalEngine=true B:ColorRandomizer=true B:Colorizer=true B:CompactSolarEngine=true B:Crafter=true B:CreativeEngine=true B:CreativeHull=true B:CreativeIncinerator=true B:CreativeSupplies=true B:CreativeTank=true B:Crop_NetherWart=true B:DivineShield=true B:DrillIntelligence=true B:DynamiteCarrier=true B:Enchanter=true B:EntityDetector_Animal=true B:EntityDetector_Monster=true B:EntityDetector_Player=true B:EntityDetector_Villager=true B:ExperienceBank=true B:ExtractingChests=true B:ExtremeMelter=true B:Fertilizer=true B:Fireworkdisplay=true B:FrontChest=true B:FrontTank=true B:GalgadorianDrill=true B:GalgadorianFarmer=true B:GalgadorianHull=true B:GalgadorianWoodCutter=true B:HardenedDrill=true B:HardenedWoodCutter=true B:HeightController=true B:Hydrator=true B:Incinerator=true B:InformationProvider=true B:InternalStorage=true B:InternalTank=true B:InvisibilityCore=true B:IronDrill=true B:LargeRailer=true B:LawnMower=true B:LiquidCleaner=true B:LiquidSensors=true B:MechanicalPig=true B:Melter=true B:Milker=true B:NoteSequencer=true B:OpenTank=true B:OreExtractor=true B:PlanterRangeExtender=true B:PowerObserver=true B:Projectile_Egg=true B:Projectile_FireCharge=false B:Projectile_Potion=true B:Railer=true B:ReinforcedHull=true B:Seat=true B:Shooter=true B:SideChests=true B:SideTanks=true B:Smelter=true B:SolarEngine=true B:StandardHull=true B:"Steve'sArcade"=true B:ThermalEngine=true B:TinyCoalEngine=true B:TopChest=true B:TopTank=true B:TorchPlacer=true B:TrackRemover=true B:WoodenHull=true } ########################################################################################################## # events #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Whether to let the events happen during their time frames of not ########################################################################################################## events { # If the christmas event can occur [default: true] B:"Enable Christmas"=true # If the easter event can occur [default: true] B:"Enable Easter"=true # If the halloween event can occur [default: true] B:"Enable Halloween"=true # Every day is Christmas! [default: false] B:"Persistent Christmas"=false # Every day is Easter! [default: false] B:"Persistent Easter"=false # Every day is Halloween! [default: false] B:"Persistent Halloween"=false } repair { # Set name of what is needed to repair diamond tier tool, blank uses default text [default: ] S:"Diamond Tier Name"= # A list of items that can repair an diamond tier tool [default: [ore:gemDiamond]] S:"Diamond Tier Repair Items" < ore:gemDiamond > # Set name of what is needed to repair hardened tier tool, blank uses default text [default: ] S:"Hardened Tier Name"= # A list of items that can repair an hardened tier tool [default: [stevescarts:modulecomponents:22]] S:"Hardened Tier Repair Items" < stevescarts:modulecomponents:22 > # Set name of what is needed to repair iron tier tool, blank uses default text [default: ] S:"Iron Tier Name"= # A list of items that can repair an iron tier tool [default: [minecraft:iron_ingot]] S:"Iron Tier Repair Items" < minecraft:iron_ingot > } settings { # Set to true to disable the timer in the cart assember, it will still require fuel [default: false] B:DisableCartAssemberTime=false # The max amount of dynamite you can put into a dynamite carrier [range: 0 ~ 50, default: 50] I:MaximumNumberOfDynamites=50 # The max width beside the cart that the drills can mine, the drill diameter will be (width * 2 + 1) # Min: 1 # Max: 4 [range: 1 ~ 4, default: 4] I:maxDrillWidth=4 # If the sounds in the arcade should be enabled [default: true] B:useArcadeSounds=true # If mob sounds should be used in the tetris arcade game [default: true] B:useTetrisMobSounds=true }