# Configuration file general { # How many ticks before the magnet starts pulling items again I:Cooldown=50 # Items are instantly put into the players inventory B:"Instant Pickup"=false # How many ticks the magnet will try to pull an item before stopping I:"Max Pull"=75 # The maximum range the magnet has I:"Max Range"=5 # How fast the magent will pull items towards the player D:"Pull Speed"=0.03 # Blacklist or Whitelist - true for whitelist false for blacklist B:Whitelist=false # Items that should be black/white listed S:itemsBlackListedArray < > particles { # Items have a particle effect when they can not be pulled by the magnet B:"Blacklisted Particles"=true # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:Blue=182 # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:Green=66 # Items have a particle effect when being pulled by the magnet B:"Pulling Particles"=true # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:Red=244 } }