# Configuration file general { # The number of filter slots the Advanced Demagnetizer has. # Ensure this is changed on all clients and the server. # Min: 1 # Max: 9 I:"Advanced Demagnetizer Filter Size"=9 # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Advanced Demagnetizer Range"=16 # The number of filter slots the Demagnetizer has. # Ensure this is changed on all clients and the server. # Min: 1 # Max: 9 I:"Demagnetizer Filter Size"=4 # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Demagnetizer Range"=7 # Compatability with Botania's Ring of Magnetization. # This ignores the item filter due to API limitations. # If Botania is not installed, this is ignored. # Ensure this is changed on all clients and the server. B:"Enable Botania Compatability"=true }