# Configuration file general { "basic rules" { # List of difficulties in which the mod will work if difficultyLock is set to true. S:"Allowed Difficulties" < easy normal > # If true, mod will not affect mobs in exclusions; if false, mod will only affect mobs in inclusions. B:"Blacklist or Whitelist Option"=true # If true, mod will only work on listed difficulties; if false, it will always work. B:"Difficulty Lock Option"=true # List of entities that will attack the player if blacklist is enabled. S:"Excluded Mobs" < minecraft:cow > # List of entities that will not attack the player if blacklist is disabled. S:"Included Mobs" < minecraft:zombie > # If true, mod will only cause mobs to ignore players whitelisted by the command apatheticwhitelist. B:"Player Whitelist Option (Untested)"=false # If true, mobs will attack you back; if false, they will never attack you back. B:"Revenge Option"=true # If you have revenge enabled: false -> eternal revenge; true -> temporary revenge. B:"Revenge Timer Option"=true # If you have the revenge timer enabled, this is how many ticks it will last. # Just because the timer ends doesn't mean the mob will stop attacking you; it may take a bit. # The minimum is 20 ticks (1 second) and the maximum is 10000 ticks (500 seconds). Default is 10 seconds. # Min: 20 # Max: 10000 I:"Revenge Timer Value"=200 } "boss rules" { # If true, chaos dragon will send projectiles at you. If false, it will not. B:"Chaos Dragon Projectile Option"=false # If true, ender dragon will attack the player when flying. B:"Dragon Flying Attack Option"=false # If true, ender dragon will attack the player when sitting—you should set this to true so you can get dragon's breath! B:"Dragon Sitting Attack Option"=true # If true, Gaia Guardian will send attacks at you and the magic floor will exist. If false, it will only spawn mobs. B:"Gaia Attack Option"=false # If true, any mobs with the flag 'isBoss' will be ignored by this mod. So Eldritch Guardian, for example. B:"General Boss Option"=false # If true, wither will attack you; if false, wither will neither attack you nor, well, anything B:"Wither Attack Option"=false # If true, wither will take revenge. B:"Wither Revenge Option"=false } }