# Icarus Imeji Uploader Service Imeji (for short) is a form of PHP image uploader system that you can use to host a simple image uploader service on your server. It utilizes the [dropzone.js](https://gitlab.com/meno/dropzone) library and also includes a basic POST uploader for clients incompatible with the aforementioned dropzone.js library. This repository is used for development and project tracking of the code we use on our [live image uploader](https://imeji.yandols.xyz). However, you a free to download a copy of it for yourself and alter it to use within the limits of our [license](./LICENSE.md). # Requirements * A server running [Caddy Webserver](https://caddyserver.com/) v2. * PHP 7.1 or greater That's about it. # Configuration You can configure parameters within `dropload.php` and `upload.php` to your liking, making them both have the same changes or have them function with different parameters respectively. Don't forget to set up `.htaccess` to suit your server environment and also make sure to configure the path to your `.htpasswd` file. Ideally you would want the .htpasswd file itself outside of Imeji's working directory for safety. Anything else such as the front-end design of pages is completely up to you to change. Be sure to change the paths of elements and assets in the `index.php` file and other related files too. # Contributing You can use our [issue tracker](https://git.yandols.xyz/LocariaTechnologies/IcarusImeji-Caddy/issues) to help report problems or suggest enhancements on the Imeji system. [Pull requests](https://git.yandols.xyz/LocariaTechnologies/IcarusImeji-Caddy/pulls) are also welcome. # License See the [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) file. # Third Party Code Attribution * The Icarus Imeji Uploader Service uses the [dropzone.js](https://gitlab.com/meno/dropzone) library by Matias Meno. (MIT License) * The front-end template uses the [Identity](https://html5up.net) template by ajlkn. (CCA 3.0 License)